I don’t know if this is just a local thing or not but I have noticed a significant increase in drivers suffering from magnalineaealbaephobia.  I have asked friends if it’s just me and they too have noticed a spike lately—they say they have observed it too.  In case you haven’t been able to determine the definition of magnalineaealbaephobia, it’s the fear of big white lines.  More and more I see drivers who either pull past the white stop line at an intersection or way behind it thereby failing to trigger the traffic light.  This is especially annoying in left turn lanes.  In general these drivers stop past the line, in the intersection, if no one pulls in behind them to trigger the light, they eventually give up and make an illegal left turn.  Those that sit so far back that they don’t trigger the sensor seem to be able to wait forever.  I was behind one of those clueless drivers, who didn’t even seem to be distracted by a cell phone.  We sat through two cycles of the light until I finally pulled around them and stopped in front of them on the sensor allowing us to proceed with the next cycle of the light


These people really yank my chain.  Just in spite sometimes when I need to make a left-hand turn and one of these comatose drivers is stopped so that the sensor is clearly visibly not close to their vehicle, I continue to the next intersection and make a U-turn.


And then there’s motus autem necessitates, or urgency of movement; not like the IBS or Crohns type.  Argghh!  What is it with those drivers who sit at a red light and slowly edge their way six inches at a time into the intersection until they are clearly blocking cross traffic?  I know I shouldn’t care but for some reason it bothers me.  If I’m behind them I purposely edge up behind them so they can’t back out of the intersection.  Not very Christian I know.