Category: Society


This is truly an indication that I’m becoming my parents.  I don’t get Twitter.  It seems to me that people use it for the same reason people buy People, InStyle,…

This is truly an indication that I’m becoming my parents.  I don’t get Twitter.  It seems to me that people use it for the same reason people buy People, InStyle, Us Weekly, etc., which I don’t get either.  Why are people so interested in the foibles of celebrities?  Why do people follow other people on Twitter, especially those they should expect will never follow them?  It seems to me that Twitter is a place to match people with self-image and confidence issues together.

I decided that I’d see what “experts” say about this.  Those that dealt with why people are fascinated with others’ lives  was summarized by Medical Daily as follows:

  1. Gossip affects the brain.  Chinese researchers asked students how each bit of gossip made them feel once they were done. And perhaps unsurprisingly, the students admitted they preferred to hear positive gossip about themselves and negative gossip about their friends and celebrities. However, while they claimed they had no preference over who they heard negative gossip about, scans of their brain activity showed otherwise.  Among these participants, the caudate nucleus — a brain region associated with pleasure and reward — showed “moderately strong” activity when the students were told negative celebrity gossip, an increase in activity when compared to hearing negative peer gossip. What’s more, brain scans also showed activity in regions associated with self-control when the participants heard celebrity gossip.
  2. People like bad news.  While celebrity bad news may be our favorite, humans are actually quite eager to read about any type of misfortune. A 2007 survey by the Pew Research Center for People found American news preferences have remained “surprisingly static” over the last 20 years, with war and terrorism being the subjects of the most popular headlines since the study began in 1986. News on bad weather and crime were also notably popular throughout the decades. This propensity for bad news spans the global population. A 2003 study on word association showed that people respond quicker to negative words, such as “cancer,” “bomb,” and “war,” than they would more positive words, such as “smile” and “fun.” This suggests a natural inclination toward the macabre, and news outlets know it — hence the popular journalism phrase, “If it bleeds, it leads.” Our inclination toward bad news is also sometimes termed “negative bias.” We all possess it to some degree, and it’s actually helpful, as it’s a possible side effect of the fight-or-flight response. According to The BBC, bad news acts as a threat, signaling that we need to change our behavior in order to avoid danger. In other words, we love to see what mistakes celebrities are making in their personal lives, so we can then avoid making those same mistakes in our own lives.
  3. It provides an escape from daily routines.  Gossip does more than satisfy an innate human instinct, however — it actually brings us true enjoyment. For some people, learning about the secret lives of people, what happens behind the scenes is a way to escape from their daily routine. The juicier the news, the better.

Stuart Fischer, an emeritus professor of media psychology at the University of UCLA, says preoccupation with the lives of others isn’t exactly unhealthy. In some cases, he says, it can actually be beneficial to our psychology. People who lack social skills, for example, can use gossip as a base to bond with others with the same interests.

On Twitter use in general, Owens Thomas summarized:

The Times of London asked experts about the Twitter phenomenon, and concluded that people use the Internet message-broadcasting service to send 140-character “tweets” relating their most mundane activities because of an underdeveloped sense of the self.

The clinical psychologist Oliver James has his reservations. “Twittering stems from a lack of identity. It’s a constant update of who you are, what you are, where you are. Nobody would Twitter if they had a strong sense of identity.”

“We are the most narcissistic age ever,” agrees Dr David Lewis, a cognitive neuropsychologist and director of research based at the University of Sussex. “Using Twitter suggests a level of insecurity whereby, unless people recognize you, you cease to exist. It may stave off insecurity in the short term, but it won’t cure it.”

For Alain de Botton, author of Status Anxiety and the forthcoming The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work, Twitter represents “a way of making sure you are permanently connected to somebody and somebody is permanently connected to you, proving that you are alive. It’s like when a parent goes into a child’s room to check the child is still breathing. It is a giant baby monitor.”

Politico checked in on the service’s use in the nation’s capital, and found that the vainglorious pundits and lawmakers who crave attention in print and on TV have also flocked to Twitter. The media at large, a class of people who define themselves by the size of their audience, have turned themselves into the Twitterati, building up lists of “followers” as a reassurance that they have an importance that will outlast their dying employers.

But the narcissism of today’s over-communicators transcends one little startup, and goes far beyond the makers of media. The Washington Post profiled Julie Zingeser, a 15-year-old girl who sent and received 6,473 texts in a single month. Her mother worries about Julie’s ability to focus. Sherry Turkle, an MIT professor, worries about deeper issues.

Sherry Turkle, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, wonders whether texting and similar technologies might affect the ability to be alone and whether feelings are no longer feelings unless they are shared. “It’s so seductive,” she said. “It meets some very deep need to always be connected, but then it turns out that always being trivially connected has a lot of problems that come with it.”

What do you think this about the emerging governance via Twitter?

So there!  Though I signed up for Twitter years ago I have never used it and see no need to use it.  Talk about self-esteem!

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Who reads the wall Street Journal?

Do you?  I do—I subscribe.  I also subscribe to the wickedly liberal Washington Post.  I don’t watch the news on TV or the internet because it’s all about selling ideas…

Do you?  I do—I subscribe.  I also subscribe to the wickedly liberal Washington Post.  I don’t watch the news on TV or the internet because it’s all about selling ideas and products viscerally.  Reading news allows one to take a mental break and think about things.

Anyway, yes, the Wall Street Journal is a bit conservative but clearly not foaming at the mouth alt-right, or even Fox News.  At least unlike the Washington Post it doesn’t put editorials on the front page thinly disguised as humanitarian news.  For the most part it keeps its editorial comments and opinions on the editorial page as things were originally intended in journalism.

It’s Friday and today’s WSJ includes the “Mansion” section.  I assume this says something about who they think is reading their paper.  The article on the top of the fold of the first page is “The Top 10 Upgrades to Sell Your Home for Top Dollar.”  Cool!  When my wife retires and we move to some less fast paced place, here’s what we need to do.  So what are those 10 things?  Take a look:

  1. Retractable Glass Walls.  I think there’s no need to comment on this upgrade
  2. High Ceilings.  This is an upgrade?  How do raise ceilings without effecting what’s above them?
  3. Quartzite Countertops.  Hey we already have this!
  4. Butler’s Pantry.  Say what?  This is supposed to include an extra dishwasher and an extra wine cellar.
  5. Spa Bathrooms.  Make sure you add the Toto Neorest dual-flush model, which has a heated seat, multiple wash modes and an automatic air-purifying system. Retail price: $10,200.  Wwe do have a dual flush commode.
  6. Smart-Home Systems.  I’m a bit leery of this after Stuxnet.  Whoever buys our house can see our neighbor’s thermostat and the network it’s on.  Does that count?
  7. Four-Car Garage.  We just traded in and got a new car so that we now own the same number vehicles as we have drivers; that’s not four.
  8. Barn, Carriage House or In-Law Apartment.  Where we live we need a lot more land than we have for another building on our lot.
  9. Generator.  We have a whole house UPS, does that count?  Why?  It’s a long story.
  10. Neutral Décor.  This is not possible with my wife in charge of the interior—and there’s no way I want to be in charge.

Based upon that I feel that I’m probably not part of the WSJ’s target demographics.   Though I have to admit that according to various sources our family would be part of those who own the U.S  east of Minnesota and north of South Carolina.  On the other hand “What Percent Are You?” says our family is a “4 percenter.”

Can one infer that the WSJ is aimed at those who are in the 5% wealthiest people in the U.S.?  Maybe.  Though they present a case that the income (not net worth) is more equally distributed than is claimed, even by the U.S. census Bureau.  They say in “The Myth of American Inequality” that the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) using data from the Census Bureau gives the U.S a skewed Gini coefficient because it doesn’t include the $760B from the Feds and $520B from state and local governments give to the bottom 40% through entitlement programs.  If these were included in the statistics then the U.S would move from the worse of the world’s most-developed large countries to the middle of the pack; between Japan and Canada.

I’m not sure what to make of that.

Ironically in today’s WSJ there’s, “Wall Street’s Big Landlords Are So Hungry for Houses They’re Building Them.”  First off, you can correctly infer that the word “landlords” means that these house are for rent, not for purchase.  Why?  The reason is “these companies are racing to meet demand for rental homes from a wave of young families too saddled with student debt to buy, as well as from investors wagering that the suburban renter class that swelled after last decade’s housing crash is here to stay.”  What does this seem to say about the future of our wealth distribution?

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  Tomorrow is Election Day for the 2018 mid-terms. THANK GOODNESS!  I’m really tired of all TV, internet, and mailings screaming at me.  This seems to be quite a bit…


Tomorrow is Election Day for the 2018 mid-terms. THANK GOODNESS!  I’m really tired of all TV, internet, and mailings screaming at me.  This seems to be quite a bit different than past.  It’s more about what wrong with my opponent than what’s right with me.  Here in Virginia’s 10th District it’s a screaming contest between Barbara Comstock and Jennifer Wexton.  About two weeks ago we started getting a hard-card from each of the candidates in the mail daily.  At the end of last week that had risen to two hard-cards per candidate.  Today we got three from each candidate.  No wonder this is the most expensive election in the history of our nation.  It’s interesting that to date we haven’t received any phone calls, on our landline and cell phones, or text messages from either.


I’m seriously considering blindfolding myself and have my son lead me into the polling place so I don’t have to see all that crap.  Hopefully we end up with a more functional government than we currently have.


Do you have magnalineaealbaephobia or motus autem necessitatis?

I don’t know if this is just a local thing or not but I have noticed a significant increase in drivers suffering from magnalineaealbaephobia.  I have asked friends if it’s…

I don’t know if this is just a local thing or not but I have noticed a significant increase in drivers suffering from magnalineaealbaephobia.  I have asked friends if it’s just me and they too have noticed a spike lately—they say they have observed it too.  In case you haven’t been able to determine the definition of magnalineaealbaephobia, it’s the fear of big white lines.  More and more I see drivers who either pull past the white stop line at an intersection or way behind it thereby failing to trigger the traffic light.  This is especially annoying in left turn lanes.  In general these drivers stop past the line, in the intersection, if no one pulls in behind them to trigger the light, they eventually give up and make an illegal left turn.  Those that sit so far back that they don’t trigger the sensor seem to be able to wait forever.  I was behind one of those clueless drivers, who didn’t even seem to be distracted by a cell phone.  We sat through two cycles of the light until I finally pulled around them and stopped in front of them on the sensor allowing us to proceed with the next cycle of the light


These people really yank my chain.  Just in spite sometimes when I need to make a left-hand turn and one of these comatose drivers is stopped so that the sensor is clearly visibly not close to their vehicle, I continue to the next intersection and make a U-turn.


And then there’s motus autem necessitates, or urgency of movement; not like the IBS or Crohns type.  Argghh!  What is it with those drivers who sit at a red light and slowly edge their way six inches at a time into the intersection until they are clearly blocking cross traffic?  I know I shouldn’t care but for some reason it bothers me.  If I’m behind them I purposely edge up behind them so they can’t back out of the intersection.  Not very Christian I know.

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